
Graduation Reflections

The first weekend of November, we celebrated the graduation of Isabel and Enma. Last Friday, we celebrated Joel’s graduation. On Sunday, we took time as an adolescent community to celebrate the lives of all three as we paused for a moment of Despedida, Good-bye.

It is a time of transition at the Finca and this year’s shifting brings with it the departure of three of our finest children. Experiencing this change with them has been one of the greatest blessings of my time as volunteer. It has allowed us to witness the living example of the fruit of Enma and Isa’s nourishment in their years at the Finca. As they presented the gifts of bread and wine in their graduation Mass, they demonstrated how being nourished at the Finca has allowed them to recognize their own gifts and choose to use them as an offering to God and to their community. We have witnessed the various manners in which the Finca has allowed Joel to develop his entire self. Singing with his classmates, reading with confidence from the lectern and playing host to guests at his party, Joel’s developed character shone on his graduation day.

Most touching, however was the witnessing of the Finca mission which became tangible in our community despedida (farewell) to these three. The moment had me asking, “How many people have invested in each one of the three?” “How many times has a volunteer asked, ‘Why am I here?’” “How many teachers have wondered whether they were making any strides in educating their Finca students to be people of good character, not just smart brains?” “How many house parents have wondered whether the consequence they were giving Enma or Joel or Isa might have the effect of cultivating a particular virtue?” How I wished all those who have asked and will ask these questions could have been present Sunday night. As a candle passed around the room, each of us named the individual qualities we admire in Enma, Isa and Joel, causing tears in the eyes of our departing adolescents. When the community finished affirming them, each of the three took advantage of the moment to return the favor and thank the Finca (that is, each person who has supported them through presence, action, donations and prayer) for the opportunity to become and for the support that has allowed them to develop into their best selves. Their words of thanks to others in a moment dedicated to celebrating their many accomplishments was a great example of the Finca mission. Even our adolescents live “en gratitud por el gran amor que Jesucristo nos da” (in gratitude for the great love Jesus Christ gives us).

Thinking about the lives of each of the three continues to humble me. As children, each faced a difficult life situation. Each was graced to find his/her way into the Finca family, yet now, it is we that look at them with whispers of gracias. Thank you, Joel. Thank you, Isabel. Thank you, Enma. Thank you for being the living examples that God is alive and works through us in this project. Only He could qualify all those whom He has called to this project, performing His miracles in the lives of our Honduran children.

Anne Klinkhammer

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